Appeared with
Shane Krauser is passionate about America, her charters of freedom, and the future of liberty in the United States and around the world. He has been called “the best instructor of the Constitution and freedom in the country” and has traveled internationally with a compelling message of liberty that supersedes politics.
Shane Krauser has spoken at over 2,000 events internationally, including:
- Political Party and Club Gatherings
- Leadership Training
- Precinct Committeemen Instruction
- Legislative Training
- Political Candidate Training
- Private, Public, and Home Schools (Elementary, Junior High, and High School)
- Universities (from Arizona State University to Columbia University (NY))
- Churches
- Rallies
- Fundraisers & Luncheons/Dinners
- Youth Groups
- Debates
- High School Commencement
For a riveting and educational experience designed to mobilize people into action, book Shane Krauser for your next event.
Shane has interviewed/appeared on the following programs:
The Blaze
NBC Nightly News
Dennis Miller Show
Lars Larson Show
Hugh Hewitt Show
Jim Bohannon Show
Mesa Morning Live
Good Morning Arizona
Fox 10 Arizona
Fox News
Shane has shared the stage with the following personalities at some of the most prominent liberty and leadership gatherings throughout the United States, Canada, and Latin America:
Glenn Beck (TV and Radio Personality)
Mark Levin (TV and Radio Personality)
Deneen Borelli (Political Commentator & Fox News Contributor)
David Barton (Historian & Political Commentator)
Dana Loesch (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Hugh Hewitt (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Larry Schweikart (Author/Speaker/Political Commentator)
Governor Jan Brewer (AZ)
Governor Doug Ducey (AZ)
Governor Gary Johnson (NM)
U.S. Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ)
U.S. Congressman Matt Salmon (AZ)
U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ)
U.S. Congressman Trent Franks (AZ)
U.S. Congressman J.D. Hayworth (AZ)
U.S. Congressman John Shadegg (AZ)
U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ)
U.S. Congressman David Schweikart (AZ)
U.S. Congressman Frank Riggs (CA)
U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (KY)
U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Bachman (MN)
U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX)
U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (NC)
Sheriff Mark Lamb (Pinal County, AZ)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Maricopa County, AZ)
Sheriff Richard Mack (Graham County, AZ/CSPOA Director)
Sheriff Chris Swanson (Genesee County, MI)
Kari Lake (TV Personality & Candidate for AZ Governor/U.S. Senate)
Glenn Kimber (Kimber Academy)
Earl Taylor (National Center for Constitutional Studies)
Ted Hayes (Civil Rights Activist)
Clarence Henderson (Civil Rights Activist – Original 1960 Sit-in Participant in Greensboro, NC)
Alan Korwin (Gun Rights & Second Amendment Expert)
Ammon Bundy (Political Activist)
Cliven Bundy (Political Activist)
Trevor Loudon (Pro-America Activist from New Zealand)
Brad Zinn (Political Activist & Comedian)
Mike Broomhead (Radio Personality)
John Morgan (George W. Bush Impersonator)
Orrin Woodward (Inc. Magazine’s #20 Recognized Leader of All Time)
Chris Brady (Inc. Magazine’s #39 Recognized Leader of All Time)
Seth Leibsohn (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Kevin Jackson (Fox News Contributor)
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser (Fox News Contributor)
Lindsey Graham (Patriot Barbie)
Bill Whittle (Political Commentator)
Tammy Bruce (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Jeff Utsch (Political Commentator)
Eric Moutsos (Political Commentator)
Tim Ballard (Former Director of Operation Underground Railroad)
Mark Meckler (Political Activist & former President of Citizens for Self Governance)
Mark Herr (President of Citizens for Self Governance)
James T. Harris (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Bradlee Dean (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Arizona Senator Russell Pearce
Rafael Cruz (Father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz)
Dennis Michael Lynch (Political Activist & Film Maker)
Jay Lawrence (Radio Personality & former member of the Arizona House of Representatives)
C.L. Bryant (Radio Personality & Political Commentator)
Sammy Rodriquez (Lead Pastor of New Season)
James Robison (Pastor & President of LIFE Outreach International)
Chad Hovind (Lead Pastor at Horizon Community Church)
John Guns (Bishop of Education for the Global United Fellowship)
Steven Seagal (Actor & Political Activist)
Herman Cain (former U.S. Presidential Candidate)
Ted Nugent (Musician and Political Activist)
Derrick Wilburn (Political Activist & Founder of American Conservatives of Color)
Ward Connerly (Political Activist)
KrisAnne Hall (Radio & TV Personality and Political Commentator)
Andrew Walter (Quarterback for Arizona State University/NFL Quarterback/Candidate for U.S. Congress (AZ))
Osmond Brothers Second Generation (Musicians)
Jesse McGuire (American Trumpeter – Arizona Diamondbacks)
Shane appeared via the radio with the following:
Walter Williams (Economist)
Professor Ahkil Reed Amar (Yale Law School)
Ben Swann (Radio Personality)
Matt Kibbe (Freedom Works)